Health Coverage Should be… …as Portable as We Are

Health Coverage Should be… …as Portable as We Are

The historical model of private health coverage in the U.S. has been to obtain it through your employer. This model doesn’t work anymore. We need a system of care that reflects current culture. The social contract of employment has changed, so health care access needs...
Are hospitals and provider health systems where innovation goes to die? The Subtlety of Influence and Partnering for Innovation

Are hospitals and provider health systems where innovation goes to die? The Subtlety of Influence and Partnering for Innovation

Politicians, businessmen, and even housewives ask the questions: “Why is healthcare so complicated? Why can’t it be simpler?” They even demand: “I need care, tell me the price, and don’t make me wait so long.” Amazon knows me as a member of Prime and maintains my...
Health Coverage Should be… …as Portable as We Are

The Path to Better U.S. Health Care must have room for ‘All of US’

In recent weeks Democratic candidates seeking the party’s nomination have given their preferences about how to reform U.S. health care. My experience in over 30 years of community hospital leadership led me to agree with the comments of John Delaney that...