The historical model of private health coverage in the U.S. has been to obtain it through your employer. This model doesn’t work anymore. We need a system of care that reflects current culture. The social contract of employment has changed, so health care access needs revision too.

We’re not lifetime employees anymore.

My parents were part of a generation that spent their entire careers with one employer. Company-sponsored health coverage worked well because there was so little movement. Many employers even granted continued coverage in retirement. It is long past time to acknowledge how much this social contract has unraveled. People entering the workforce have a much greater probability of multiple employers while living in many different geographies. Only governmental employees now seem to build long tenures of service.

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Author: Philip EnnenPhil Ennen is an experienced senior executive who believes in servant leadership. Phil became CEO of an independent community hospital just before the national recession. He led the organization through difficult restructuring while at the same time completing a $62M new construction/renovation on time and on budget. The hospital came through the recession much changed but since 2011 has strengthened both its financial position and clinical performance. Phil accomplished this by empowering leaders to build an environment of honesty and trust. He has nurtured lasting relationships with physicians, frontline staff, community leaders, and patients by first listening and then by sharing his thoughts with transparent honesty. Phil also became a statewide leader for Ohio hospitals, serving as board chair of the Ohio Hospital Association and receiving the James Castle distinguished service award in June 2018.