by David Berger | Jul 2, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips, Uncategorized
In my last blog post I discussed the challenges digital health startups face when trying to sell to hospitals and health systems. In this post I suggest some ways to overcome the hurdles and succeed in building a client base. Startups need to be realistic about where...
by David Berger | Jun 26, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips, Uncategorized
The pathway to success for digital health startups is challenging. Hospitals are often looked at as the point of entry for digital startups. Trying to work with large hospitals can pose challenges for early stage start-ups for several reasons: 1) Hospitals often are a...
by Rob Thames | Jun 25, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips, Uncategorized
This is Part 3B of this three-part series. Part 3A briefly reviewed four change methods. This Part 3B compares them to elicit insights. Motivational Interviewing, Kotter’s 8-Step Model, Baldrige Communities of Excellence, and SEED-SCALE, reviewed in Part 3A, were...
by Michael McBride | Jun 21, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips, Uncategorized
Good operations is good strategy. Operational excellence. Blocking and tackling. Within health systems, the ongoing importance of good operations should be highlighted as a foundational element of every strategic plan. Good operations is a “no lose” strategy that...
by Dr. Michael J. Zappa | Jun 20, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips, Uncategorized
Focusing on joy, especially in work, is gaining momentum. It has my attention! It is clear to me that the mindset and habits are exactly what great leaders have and do and what developing leaders should concentrate on. It is very tempting for any leader, especially...
by Rob Thames | Jun 19, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips, Uncategorized
This is Part 3A of this three-part series. Read part 2. This Part 3A briefly reviews four change methods and Part 3B will compare them “I have no idea how to change anyone. But I carry around a long list of people in case I ever figure out how.” – Anonymous...