The Wedding Toast: Lessons in Leadership from Love

The Wedding Toast: Lessons in Leadership from Love

Recently, I had the opportunity to share the joy and intense emotions of giving away my daughter in marriage. At this extraordinary event, I had the fatherly privilege of making the welcome toast. Reflecting on these thoughts in the days that have passed, I realize...
Direct Support Works! Care Navigators Improve Outcomes Save $$$

Direct Support Works! Care Navigators Improve Outcomes Save $$$

There aren’t too many experiences more overwhelming than being sick and trying to deal with the U.S. health care system. All of us have personal stories of disconnected providers and lousy communication. “It’s like nobody talks to anybody around here!” As a health...
‘Small’ changes render big results: cultural shift to performance excellence

‘Small’ changes render big results: cultural shift to performance excellence

Physician dissatisfaction, staff dissatisfaction, and low patient satisfaction are interconnected, common themes in healthcare leadership discussions. While the cycle seems to spiral uncontrollably, it isn’t impossible to manage the processes of healthcare to...