The Path to Better U.S. Health Care must have room for ‘All of US’

The Path to Better U.S. Health Care must have room for ‘All of US’

In recent weeks Democratic candidates seeking the party’s nomination have given their preferences about how to reform U.S. health care. My experience in over 30 years of community hospital leadership led me to agree with the comments of John Delaney that...
Formula for a successful career transition

Formula for a successful career transition

Being unemployed is not a comfortable feeling. Not only does it disrupt your carefully laid out routine and impact your lifestyle, but it also makes you question your abilities. But the “why” of your transition is something that you must strive to move beyond. You...
Turning your wiz bang digital solution into reality through effective implementation

Turning your wiz bang digital solution into reality through effective implementation

In this episode on helping digital startups sell their solutions, I want to focus on the issue of implementation. It is certainly important to have a wiz bang digital solution. Equally important is how to implement the solution and manage the changes it causes. All...