I just spent the weekend retreating with a group of executives, the top females in their respective companies. We have strict rules for our group – we cannot solicit business from each other and we cannot share our member information. Even though many of us have business relationships with each other, the purpose of our forum is to share camaraderie and friendship. We have retreated together for years, locally and across the country.

The weekend was exceptional. We sailed together, dined at two of our member’s fabulous homes and enjoyed retail therapy at local boutiques.

I came away renewed. This group of women is so important to me, even if I don’t see them more than once or twice a year. I especially enjoy the downtime together, discussing everything from health, our relationships, the stress in our jobs and general challenges in leadership. I can’t stop reflecting on an important conversation about courage in business.  We noted that in our respective fields, many of our coworkers were no longer as courageous as they once were, when they were appointed to their CEO roles.

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Author: Lee Ann LiskaWith over 30 years of integrated health systems management experience in successful provider organizations, Lee Ann Liska is an impressive performer and operational leader helping organizations innovate, thrive, and grow. She is known for optimizing resources to achieve the core mission by earning stakeholder confidence and establishing a positive and engaging culture for employees, physicians, patients, and communities. With a background in hospital operations, physician practice management, and ambulatory services in academic and community health systems, Liska has executed and lead multi million-dollar initiatives and value-added programs while working with physicians and other leaders to understand the drivers of both the health systems management and healthcare service delivery.