What are you doing right now? Does it have your full attention? Is it what you want to be doing? Do you want to be here? Where? Anywhere!
In our fast-paced, high stress environment, too often our focus is on what’s next, as opposed to what’s now. Although planning for the future is an important leadership trait, it creates the risk of being disconnected from the present – even taking the joy out of living.
Scholars and comedians alike have tried to get us to pause and enjoy the present. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld entertained a recent audience with these thoughts: “You imagined a special night out, worried about getting tickets, then stressed about getting to the show, where and when you would eat, rushing through a meal to get to the show, finally at the show and you begin thinking about getting home, then stressing about the drive home, and when you finally get home are thinking about when you will get to go out again.” Strange creatures we are: at work we want to go home, at home we want to go out, when we are out we dream of the comforts of home. It raises the question: Does anyone want to be anywhere?