Four Signs of a Great Health System

At its annual conference held May 15-17 in Chicago, Becker’s Hospital Review sponsored a presentation by three healthcare executives on the key attributes of successful health systems. The panel was moderated by Chuck Lauer, previous publisher of Modern...

AHA Report and Presentation on Value-Based Business Models

Executives of hospitals and health systems need an effective strategy when moving from volume-based to value-based business models. To help you develop the right strategy for your organization, the American Hospital Association (AHA) has published an informative...

Relationship Building in December

Even though it’s later in December it’s not too late to make the right impression. December is always the month that I focus on my established, new relationships and potential relationships. Take time to thank those that have helped you and that can...

Emotional Rehabilitation

A friend had sent me this quote earlier in the week and my thought, as it always is, where does this apply to transition? When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness...