Where’s your sweet spot?  The balance between confidence and arrogance.

Where’s your sweet spot? The balance between confidence and arrogance.

Why is it that too much of something becomes a bad thing? We have all heard that phrase, “too much of a good thing.” And while we might not like to admit it, it is true. I have a weakness for sugar, but if I eat it too often, I gain weight. This causes a chain...
Physician Executives: Are You Utilizing Their Talent?

Physician Executives: Are You Utilizing Their Talent?

“This article originally appeared on www.stout.com.” It is vital to anticipate how revenue cycle reports will be viewed across the organization. If you are a hospital or health system with disengaged physicians, you are missing the boat (and probably bumping along,...
Coding: Inpatient or Outpatient, Risks (and Benefits) Are Increasing E&M, DRG, APC, Risk Adjusted, CDI, and Hospice … It All Matters

Coding: Inpatient or Outpatient, Risks (and Benefits) Are Increasing E&M, DRG, APC, Risk Adjusted, CDI, and Hospice … It All Matters

“This article originally appeared on www.stout.com.” Ensure accurate coding and billing by reviewing the coding and compliance policies woven into a health system’s revenue cycle. Because coding can be confusing and laborious it can often be overlooked and potentially...
Congratulations! You got the job offer…now what?

Congratulations! You got the job offer…now what?

You have worked dozens of job leads for weeks, biding your time, going on countless interviews, networking with numerous people, and now you possibly have multiple job offers on the verge of coming to fruition. Yay for you! Let’s hold the champagne; it is not...