More activity, more results

More activity, more results

The old sales adage can be applied to career transition as well—activity equals results.  Yet, this is where so many people fail. They don’t buy into this equation, limit their activity, and consequently limit their results.  By focusing on those activities that you...
What to do when your career transition journey stalls out

What to do when your career transition journey stalls out

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that insanity is defined as “doing the same things and expecting different results.” It’s a common saying because we all know it to be true: if you keep repeating the same actions, you will get the same outcomes. It can be very...
Keep your career transition momentum going this summer

Keep your career transition momentum going this summer

In a typical year, I tell my clients to anticipate a slow-down in their career transition momentum during the summer months. But this year, this may not be the case. During the unpredictability of COVID, many professionals chose to stay in their current jobs, even if...