by Rand O'Leary | Jan 9, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips
In healthcare, how often have you heard this, he/she is a great clinician, but has no personality. Or, take me to hospital A, but if I’m really sick take me to hospital B, this assumes hospital A is the “Nice” hospital but Hospital B is where all the best clinicians...
by Rand O'Leary | Jan 9, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips
Task oriented leaders, those using just workplans, measurements, goals, dashboards, etc.… sometimes may be left scratching their heads when their teams do not accomplish their goals, or performance begins to decline without any clear reason as to why. To motivate your...
by Rand O'Leary | Jan 9, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips
In all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s easy to forget that in just a few weeks most of us will be looking at the New Year and a list of resolutions or promises that we have made to ourselves that we hope to accomplish. Some of our old favorites are...
by Coley Duncan | Jan 8, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning
A physician who I greatly admire and respect once took a job as a hospitalist in a small town. She was told that she would have a guaranteed salary. But she did not read the fine print in her employment contract. The guarantee was actually an advance against future...
by Jim Wiederhold | Dec 11, 2018 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, Healthcare Industry, Job Search, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips, Transition, Uncategorized
The English language is one of the most difficult languages to learn. That is, in part, because it is full of “sayings” or “idioms” that we use in everyday speech, most of which originate from cultures around the world. Such sayings make no linguistic sense unless you...
by Jim Wiederhold | Nov 7, 2018 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Job Search, Leadership, Networking, Tips, Transition
Why is it that too much of something becomes a bad thing? We have all heard that phrase, “too much of a good thing.” And while we might not like to admit it, it is true. I have a weakness for sugar, but if I eat it too often, I gain weight. This causes a chain...