Dedicated to helping organizations coordinate and expedite their initiatives, the Chief Transformation Officer (CTO) is the newcomer to executive teams in healthcare systems. Though a little-heard-of position only a few years ago, the rise of mergers between health systems and acquisitions of smaller hospitals by larger networks has created rapid change in the healthcare industry. This has led many healthcare organizations to recognize the need for a dedicated individual to oversee the creation of solutions that are in alignment with the organization’s overall values and strategic initiatives.
Coordinating initiatives.
Healthcare providers and health systems are often juggling multiple initiatives simultaneously. Whether clinical, strategic, financial, or anything in between, a CTO serves as the overall coordinator of all initiatives within an organization. This ensures that any solutions have a holistic approach, remaining rooted in the organization’s mission, vision, and values.
Bringing the right voices to the table.
A CTO operates as a full member of the healthcare organization’s leadership team, but also as a thought partner or advisor. He or she also identifies key stakeholders and ensures their input is heard, valued, and integrated into all solutions.
This is no small undertaking. It is highly advantageous to have a designated leader and partner to organize these initiatives, rather than adding the responsibility to another executive’s already-full plate. The cooperation of a CTO frees up other healthcare executives to do what they do best while still being closely involved in the process. As they focus on other essential tasks, they can have confidence that the organization’s initiatives are moving forward.