Wow! The craziest of times – and like overnight.

Humbling isn’t it – when our human arrogance gets such a resounding come-uppance.

I move another notch deeper into my eighth-decade this month and can’t ignore the possibility that I am in “hallway gurney triage” territory – the ultimate act of ageism.

So, despite being incredibly healthy (see, there’s that human arrogance), I’m self-quarantining and counting on good health habits to carry me through this temporary mess.

This week’s article is meant as a reminder that our bodies repay us in kind when we listen to, and respond, to what they need to win these types of battles.

Stay safe and be smart – listen to the reasoned, seasoned voices.

Read full article.

Author: Gary FosterGary Allen Foster is an executive recruiter, retirement and career transition coach, writer, and speaker. He is an over-70 portfolio-career guy and audacious ager dedicated to helping folks in the over-50 crowd adopt a new perspective on how to live longer, live better and with more purpose in the second half. He coaches, speaks and writes publicly on the issues of mid-life career transitions, planning for purposeful retirement and achieving better health and greater longevity. Find his thought-provoking articles and get a copy of his free e-book entitled “Realize Your Full-life Potential: Five Easy Steps to Living Longer, Healthier, and With More Purpose” at