Part A of this article clarifies the blurring terminology that can inadvertently stunt health improvement understanding and action.

Post-truth, Fake news, Misinformation ( words of the year for 2016, 2017 and 2018, respectively). Let’s be clear: How is population health different from community and public health? How does it relate to health disparities? A senior leader discussion on these topics can begin to sound like a rendition of Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s On First?”

The terms Community Health, Public Health and Population Health are often used with the same broad brush. But advancement in our thinking and action start with clarity of our language and terminology. Clearly there is much common ground with these terms. To start 2019 off with clarity, below is a summary delineation of these terms. Read Full Article

Author: Rob ThamesVERSATILE SERVANT LEADER WHO EXCELS IN SYSTEM INTEGRATION TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE IN COMPLEX, INNOVATIVE HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS Servant leader and change agent who excels in system integration to drive high-performance and culture of ownership in complex, innovative healthcare organizations. Well-respected for progressive, stakeholder partnering to integrate systems and accelerate margin and Quadruple Aim performance. Strategic thinker and doer who turns strategy into reality with repeated success in delivering financial and operational efficiencies, executing clinical strategy into operation, and driving revenue growth in not-for-profit and for-profit healthcare organizations. Collaborative leader who is passionate about leading, motivating, and inspiring teams to achieve world-class performance. Areas of strength and expertise include: Strategic Execution, Transformation & Growth | Care System Integration | Physician Partnerships | Performance Acceleration for Results | Value-Based Care | Population Health & Accountable Care | Continuous Improvement & Clinical Practice Development | Cultural Transformation | Consulting