It was my first time back to a rural hospital. Though I had practically grown-up in rural health – both with frequent visits as a volunteer and as a support services employee – I had not been within the walls of a rural hospital in many years. And never had I been in one as a healthcare executive.

I arrived early, intending to look around and meet a few staff to better prepare me for a meeting with the Critical Access Hospital’s Board of Directors.

One of my first interactions was with a nurse coming out of a patient room. She was clearly emotional. Practically crying. I had seen the impact of caring for patients over the years. But this was not that. No, it was not simply a nurse and patient, but something much more. Even with my many years of experience, I didn’t yet know what I didn’t know – or regrettably, perhaps had forgotten. (Read Full Article)

Author: Roger BarnhartRoger has more than 20 years of experience within multiple healthcare settings. Successful change agent through the development of collaborations with community hospitals, physicians, home health and skilled nursing providers in both rural and urban communities. Strong history of turnaround management within the rapidly changing healthcare market through strategic planning, business development, revenue generation and preventative health initiatives. Working within the value-based care continuum, developing collaborative environments for transformation of the care delivery system – improving quality and satisfaction scores for shared savings at reduced cost. Executive Experience: Rural/Urban Health | Acute Care | Skilled Nursing | Home Health | Primary Care | Mental/Behavioral Health Administrative Oversight: Strategic Planning | Business Development | Population Health Management | Organizational Expansion | Financial Sustainabil