He is that family member we all know, regrettably often looked upon as bothersome, annoying or cantankerous. Throughout my career in home health, skilled nursing and acute care, these family members are at every level – anywhere that involves caring for vulnerable patients.

One doesn’t even have to be in patient care – simply working in healthcare means each of us will likely deal with these troublesome family members at one time or another.

I was still a teenager when I first encountered “the husband” as we came to know him. Little did I know that those few days with him would have an impact upon my entire future, and that of my very role as a healthcare leader.

Interacting with patients’ families while working both in dietary as a dishwasher/server and facilities as housekeeping/maintenance taught me the importance of both support services and family members within the patient care experience – beyond the medicine. Read Full Article

Author: Roger BarnhartRoger has more than 20 years of experience within multiple healthcare settings. Successful change agent through the development of collaborations with community hospitals, physicians, home health and skilled nursing providers in both rural and urban communities. Strong history of turnaround management within the rapidly changing healthcare market through strategic planning, business development, revenue generation and preventative health initiatives. Working within the value-based care continuum, developing collaborative environments for transformation of the care delivery system – improving quality and satisfaction scores for shared savings at reduced cost. Executive Experience: Rural/Urban Health | Acute Care | Skilled Nursing | Home Health | Primary Care | Mental/Behavioral Health Administrative Oversight: Strategic Planning | Business Development | Population Health Management | Organizational Expansion | Financial Sustainabil