We call a lot of people heroes but the ones that always will be on the top of my list are the men and women who defend this country. Freedom has a cost, a very dear cost, and they’re willing to pay the price for us every day. The challenges I face every day pale in comparison to the ones they face.

No matter what your view on the war is, we must always support our troops. I pray we never treat our troops the way we did for those that returned from Vietnam. I pray for a day when there will be no more wars.

Let’s celebrate, honor, and remember the men and women who have paid it all for this country and our freedom.


Author: Jim WiederholdJim believes his 39 years of experience--particularly his more than 26 years in healthcare--has prepared him well for what he does. His wealth of experience spans key areas, including finance, operations, management, leadership, sales and sales management, corporate, contingency, contractual and retained recruiting, outplacement and transition work and executive coaching.