by Rob Thames | Feb 15, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips
Leadership Transformation Series This is Part 4A in this Four-part Leadership Transformation Series (LTS); 4B will follow. Transformation in healthcare is personal: it requires the transformation of health system leaders. The LTS begins to speak to key differences in...
by Coley Duncan | Feb 14, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips
In an industry where its competitors have frequently gotten into serious financial difficulty, Southwest Airlines has maintained profitability every year for the previous 45 years. This is an amazing accomplishment. We will explore some of the strategies that...
by Rodney Reider | Feb 13, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips
It is a truth. As CEOs, we are pulled in many directions. The incessant priorities, though seemingly always valuable, will consistently distract us from our most meaningful impact. How does a CEO maintain their focus and discipline on what is important when everything...
by Mitali Paul | Feb 11, 2019 | ACHE, Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Interim, Job Search, Leadership, Networking, Outplacement, Planning, Tips, Transition
Have you experienced any of these characteristics with a coworker or a boss? The need to be “right” all the time Quick to take credit for everything but be the first to assign blame on others Minimize people and their emotions Pit employees against each other Desire...
by Rob Thames | Feb 8, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips
Leadership Transformation Series The Operating Model: Closing the Strategy-Execution Gap This is Part 3 of a Four-Part Leadership Transformation Series (LTS). Read Part 1 and Part 2. Transformation in healthcare is personal: it requires the transformation of health...
by Coley Duncan | Feb 7, 2019 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning
My father taught us, “If you want to be happy, simplify, simplify, simplify.” He loved the quote from the movie, Amadeus, in which the Austrian emperor told Mozart that his music had “too many notes.” My father did not agree with the criticism of Mozart’s music, but...