by Mitali Paul | Apr 26, 2018 | ACHE, Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Interim, Job Search, Leadership, Networking, Outplacement, Planning, Tips, Transition, Uncategorized
When we talk about attributes or “soft” skills that play an important role in determining success, grit is somewhat of an unknown. Recently I was introduced to Angela Lee Duckworth’s TED talk about her research on “grit” as a predictor of success in work and life. The...
by Gary Skarke | Apr 19, 2018 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips, Uncategorized
“I’d like to introduce Gary Skarke. He is an expert in the area of transformation. His company’s success, for the most part, has been outside of healthcare but has touched healthcare on a small scale. As we all know, healthcare is going through a significant...
by Jim Wiederhold | Apr 16, 2018 | ACHE, Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Interim, Job Search, Leadership, Networking, Outplacement, Planning, Tips, Transition, Uncategorized
We all need guidance. Even the most seasoned professional needs a sounding board from time to time. I am a firm believer that as professionals we can choose to never stop growing, learning, and evolving into the best version of ourselves. Part of this growth is...
by Emery Brautigan | Mar 21, 2018 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips, Uncategorized
By definition the term Leadership implies that one has followers, but in real life how does one obtain followers? Often individuals are in positions where the job description states very explicitly they will have authority over the activities, schedules, performance,...
by Tom Ferkovic | Mar 19, 2018 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips, Uncategorized
The company that puts you out of business will not look like you! The job of an entrepreneur/CEO is to look around the corner to see what is coming in the future. It is hard to know what a competitor looks like when they may not look like me (see: Amazon vs. Sears,...
by Jim Wiederhold | Mar 15, 2018 | ACHE, Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Interim, Job Search, Networking, Outplacement, Planning, Tips, Transition, Uncategorized
A common question I get is, “How do I talk to recruiters?” Treat the call like any conversation. Be genuine and interested. The primary goal of the conversation is to gain a partner in the search for your next position. If you approach each conversation with a...