Three things a person should avoid once they are past 70 years old. P.S. I’m on the list

Three things a person should avoid once they are past 70 years old. P.S. I’m on the list

This COVID thing is getting to me, I guess. I hit the “staring at a blank page” syndrome this week in trying to come up with something original. So I’m cheating. This week’s article is a republish of one of my most popular Quora posts from a...
Want to move your organization farther, faster, and with more purpose? Appoint a Chief Transformation Officer.

Want to move your organization farther, faster, and with more purpose? Appoint a Chief Transformation Officer.

Dedicated to helping organizations coordinate and expedite their initiatives, the Chief Transformation Officer (CTO) is the newcomer to executive teams in healthcare systems.  Though a little-heard-of position only a few years ago, the rise of mergers between health...
Building commitment: Creating a team that moves forward without hesitation

Building commitment: Creating a team that moves forward without hesitation

What makes a good organization great? A strong team working together with a clearly defined purpose. The cohesiveness and organizational might that builds strong teams often begins at the top, with leadership leading by example and focused on achieving objectives at...