Someone once told me you can’t go wrong invoking big names to bolster your content. So I’m invoking an old stand-by for this week’s article: Aristotle.

Aristotle – and the Greeks, in general – did a lot of what we don’t seem to do much of – thinking about their thinking.

Ari also came up with an idea that is foundational to personal success and happiness – a principle that eludes us more and more as we negotiate a helter-skelter, tweet-based culture.

It’s another big word – eudaimonia.

Read the Full Article and find out what this twelve-cylinder word means – and then let me know your thoughts.

Author: Gary FosterGary Allen Foster is an executive recruiter, retirement and career transition coach, writer, and speaker. He is an over-70 portfolio-career guy and audacious ager dedicated to helping folks in the over-50 crowd adopt a new perspective on how to live longer, live better and with more purpose in the second half. He coaches, speaks and writes publicly on the issues of mid-life career transitions, planning for purposeful retirement and achieving better health and greater longevity. Find his thought-provoking articles and get a copy of his free e-book entitled “Realize Your Full-life Potential: Five Easy Steps to Living Longer, Healthier, and With More Purpose” at