by Jim Wiederhold | Dec 15, 2020 | Balance, Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Job Search, Leadership, Networking, Outplacement, Planning, Tips, Transition
This time of the year, many people on the job hunt close up shop for the year, certain that no forward progress can be made between Thanksgiving and the New Year. This is simply not true. We all may be eager to put 2020 behind us, but there is still good work to be...
by Charles "Chuck" Taylor | Dec 10, 2020 | Career Development, Development, Executive Coaching, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Networking, Planning, Tips
As a young person entering the Air Force, working as an operating room manager, my goal was to learn as much as I could about a doctor’s work and the operation impacting it. After four years of college at one of the best universities in the U.S., I completed an...
by Dr. Seleem R. Choudhury | Dec 9, 2020 | Balance, Career Development, Development, General, Healthcare Industry, Leadership, Organizational Heaalth, Planning, Tips
The term “patient-centered care” is in vogue and utilized by health system administrators, marketing gurus, hospital staff, and clinicians alike. It’s a catchy phrase that resonates with stakeholders, and it sounds like something every healthcare...