Mike Jones

Client Coach

Mike Jones’ background and experience includes more than 30 years of executive leadership in healthcare with an emphasis on physician enterprise organizations. Mike is well known for strategic and operational leadership to enhance organizational recruitment and retention, as well as to improve engagement among key stakeholders. Confident leader focused on streamlining critical processes, re-engineering organizational structures, and improving financial sustainability. Excellent mentor and coach.

Mike believes that leaders and organizations are most successful in achieving outstanding results through a comprehensive approach:  constantly engage your people; know your data and share the knowledge you gain from your key indicators; design your process for optimal efficiency and consistent outcomes; and always be ready to take action to improve organizational performance. Mike has recently developed his own healthcare consulting business (www.innovatehc.net) and is ready, willing, and able to be of assistance.

Mike holds a bachelor’s degree in Bio-Medical Engineering from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a master’s degree in Healthcare Administration from Saint Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri, and has completed extensive coursework in personal and professional coaching. He is very family oriented, is married to his wonderful wife of 35+ years and has two successful adult children. Travel, water sports of all types, reading and adventure are just a few of the many activities enjoyed by the Jones Family.