Mike Harbour
DISC Assessment Administrator
Mike Harbour, President of Harbour Resources helps leaders and their teams find ways to maximize their results, and one key strategy is to raise the understanding of their leadership and communication style. Harbour helps leaders discover and lead in their strengths, as they elevate their results in the process.
Mike has not only been a participant in the use of many different assessments of personality, strengths, and values, but has been a student of the tools that can make us more effective as a leader and communicator.
Utilizing the DiSC® Assessment Tool, Mike helps leaders understand how they present to others when they communicate, how this affects others and how they leverage the strengths in their communication and leadership while limiting the blind spots that creates conflict in many relationships.
Mike’s company, Harbour Resources specializes in helping healthcare organizations, recruit, land and lead high-performing leaders. Mike has personally interviewed thousands of leaders and used the DiSC® tool to help leaders leverage their best when communicating, interviewing and leading others.
Mike is also a licensed coach of the John Maxwell Team.